About Us

K4sint founded in 2007 was 100% acquired by Riri S.A. in 2022 and merged into SPM Pressofusione in early 2023 like MIM UNIT. It is managed by Ph.D. materials engineers specialized in powder metallurgy, and it can provide a strong and reliable knowledge in metallurgy either from physical metallurgy or industrial production of metal parts.

The company filed in five patents to protect its intellectual properties and published many data.

Now it is involved in Metal Injection Molding R&D and production for Riri components. It can also offer R&D service about powder metallurgy field for third parts and it can help you to solve out your problems.


K4sint has developed decades of knowledge and experience by deepening industrial technologies related to powder metallurgy, also providing some innovative industrial technological developments.

The technologies studied and developed at industrial level regart the fields:

Press and Sintering traditional and the innovative Die Wall Lubrication

Metal Injection molding traditional and innovative (patented)

Spark Plasma Sintering (Titanium, Alluminum, MMC, Advanced Ceramic). Patents developed

Additive manufacturing (R&D support)


European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

SPM Pressofusione MIM UNIT Location
  • SPM Pressofusione MIM UNIT

    Viale Dante, 300

    38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) - ITALY

  • +39 0461 532819

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